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Degree Programs

Bachelor of Art in Theology                               123 Semester Units
Master of Art in Theology                                   48 Semester Units
Master of Divinity                                               90 Semester Units


Preliminary registration of current students takes place in November for the Spring Semester, and in April for the Fall Semester. The dates of preliminary and regular registration for both semesters are published in the official calendar of the college. All students are expected to be present and to complete pre–registration on the days allotted for this purpose. Instructions concerning the registration procedure will be given to each student at the time of registration. No student is considered to be enrolled in any class until his/her registration has been properly completed.

Late Registration

All students are expected to be present and to complete registration within the time allotted for this purpose. For those students who enroll after the deadline set for the completion of registration, a late registration fee of $30.00 will be charged. No student will be allowed to register more than a week late except upon petition, after satisfactory arrangement with the Dean of the Seminary, and the Committee on Academic Standing.


           From Courses: Any student desiring to withdraw from a course must first make application in writing on the form specified for this purpose and must have the approval in writing from the registrar. If the student withdraws properly from a course, the letter “WP” will be placed in the student’s transcript, if passing, and “WF” if the student is failing. Failure to withdraw properly will result in an “F” for that course. Withdrawal from a course is considered to be a change in registration for which a non–refundable fee of $20.00 is charged for each course. Financial arrangements must be made with the Seminary Office according to the regulations of the State of California.

            From School: Students who find it necessary to withdraw from school before the close of the semester must secure a statement of honorable dismissal from the President of the Seminary and must formally withdraw from all classes as described above. Financial arrangements must be made with the Seminary Office according to the regulations of the State of California.


Please see the refund policy of HAU under Financial Policy.

Attendance Policy

Class attendance, punctuality, and fulfilling class requirements is considered a vital part of academic development as well as a sign of integrity and Christian character.  Any excused absences from class, due to illness, ministry or ministry requirements, should be discussed directly with the instructor.  The attendance policy in each class will be included in the course syllabus by each instructor.

Leave of Absence

A student may fill out a petition form in the seminary office requesting a leave of absence.  Approval of a leave of absence secures the student’s standing in the program.  Students who fail to register for two consecutive semesters will be considered to have withdrawn from the program.

Academic Dismissal

All students must achieve two successive semesters with a GPA higher than 2.00. Those who do not meet this standard may be disqualified from the program.


A         Excellent                     (95–100)          4.0 grade points / semester unit

A–       Excellent                     (90–94)            3.7 grade points / semester unit

B+       Good                           (87–89)            3.3 grade points / semester unit

B         Good                           (83–86)            3.0 grade points / semester unit

B–       Good                           (80–82)            2.7 grade points / semester unit

C+       Average                       (77–79)            2.3 grade points / semester unit

C         Average                       (73–76)            2.0 grade points / semester unit

C–       Below Average           (70–72)            1.7 grade points / semester unit

D         Passing                        (60–69)            1.0 grade points / semester unit

F          Failure                         (0–59)              0 grade points / semester unit

I           Incomplete

W        Withdrawal

R         Repeated Course