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At the beginning of this course we, as faculty and students, reaffirm our commitment to be beyond reproach in our academic work as a reflection of Christian character. We commit to honesty in all aspects of our work. We seek to establish a community which values serious intellectual engagement and personal faithfulness more highly than grades, degrees, or publications.


Students are expected to review and understand the commitments to academic integrity as printed in the catalogue. The following violations of these commitments will be firmly addressed formally:


 Submitting the same work in whole or in part in more than one course

           without the permission of the professor(s);

 Submitting as one’s own work paper(s) obtained from another source;

 Plagiarism, i.e., large and/or multiple unattributed quotations or paraphrases of ideas from published or

unpublished sources;

 Unpermitted collaboration in preparing assignments;

 Cheating on exams by any means;

 Aiding another student on papers and tests in violation of these commitments.

Any of these violations will result in a failing grade on the assignment and possibly in the course, and will be reported to the Academic Integrity Group which may impose further sanctions in accordance with the Academic Integrity Policy. Evidence of repeated violations will result in a formal disciplinary process.